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Just ONE of these tips will pay for these books many times over!

Here's How You Will Get More Appointments, Sales, and Commitments, In Less Time, With NO "Rejection." Guaranteed.

Note: These are the revised versions and not the same ones amazon is selling at a discount.

Special Promotional Offer

Take advantage of your exclusive offer to get the inside sales and prospecting books that are jam-packed with the what-to-say messaging that will help you get to more buyers, create interest, engage them, avoid resistance, get commitments from them, and SELL to them!

A Personal Message from Art Sobczak

Fellow Sales Pro,

I'm a bit amused by so many people who have now anointed themselves as experts in this "new" way of selling.

You know, selling without actually being in front of a buyer.

Actually, it is the exact thing I've been teaching for over 30+ years.

My entire life's work has been helping sales pros say the right things by phone to get through, get in, and sell.

And after everyone was forced to do it with the pandemic, most did it poorly, some embraced it and crushed it and are continuing to do it well, I want to help you be in that group.

I want to ensure you get the most out of your sales process, and calls, and make it easier, and faster for you to plug in the proven messaging that will get the success you want. 

I invite you to get my two classic books, "How to Sell More, In Less Time, With No Rejection- Volumes 1 and 2," And I'm making you an exclusive, limited-time offer to get them, plus instant access to them, and ONE MORE book, all at special package price.

“Using the ideas in your books, I reworked on my opening statement, called five prospects, got through to two, and set appointments with both of them!” Art Taylor, L&B Worldwide

These are not books that are just meant to be read cover-to-cover. You can pick either one up, turn to any page, and find something you can use right away on your own calls to get more yes answers, and less resistance. 

Lots of sales books cover theory … old school hyberbole that you would be as uncomfortable repeating as you are hearing it, and downright nonsense written by people who probably have never made a sales call in their life.

What I’ve found is that we salespeople by nature are a demanding, intelligent, and somewhat impatient group and want instantly-useable, common sense ideas that really work. That’s what I deliver, and precisely what you’ll get in these two books.

Using the Phone In Sales and Prospecting is MUCH Tougher than Being There in Person

Anyone who has ever picked up the phone to make a cold call, or followed up on a call after they’ve sent out literature, a catalog, or samples, knows that it’s much more difficult than making a face-to-face call, and there are certain nuances that make using the phone a different animal. I demystify the process, poke fun at the old techniques and myths of sales that flat out do not work by phone, and show proven, word-for-word examples that will work for you.

In these two books, I provide more useable how-to ideas on telephone sales than you have ever seen in one place before.

And I say that with confidence, based on selling over 30,000 copies of the original versions of these books, and the results of the sales pros who have used them.

If you use the phone in professional, ethical, needs-based sales, there is simply no way you could not benefit from these books–as long as you read and use them.

And I stand behind that claim with my “More than Your Money Back Guarantee,” where I refund your money, and let you keep the books, if you feel you didn’t benefit from them. More on that later.

Here is Just a Small Sample of the Hundreds of How-To Messaging Examples You Will Get and Use Right Away

Interest-Creating Opening Statements

  • 13 actions and word-for-word mistakes that ensure failure and resistance, and what to say instead

  • A no-brainer, fill-in-the blanks opening statement template for prospecting calls that gets them interested

  • Case study examples of horrible openings, and great alternatives you can use and/or adapt

  • How to create great openings after web and phone inquiries to get them talking right away

  • What to say on follow-up calls to avoid saying "Uhh, just checking in, do you have any questions?"

  • How to open calls to one-time buyers to turn them into regular, profitable customers

  • Selling With Questions

  • Word-for-word questions that get them thinking about, seeing, and feeling their problems and pains–precisely the situations you can help them with through your benefits

  • Questions for putting them in a frame of mind so they want to hear what you have

  • There are such things as dumb questions in sales. Examples, and how to avoid them

  • How to comfortably ask about money without sounding pushy or cheesy

  • Building that Professional Telephone “Look” Through Your Voice and Words

  • How to get rid of image-destroying “umm’s”

  • How to build rapport, credibility, and likability

  • Listening for key buying words and emotions—knowing when to talk and when to shut up

  • Giving Persuasive Recommendations and Presentations that SELL

  • The not-so-secret, “secret” to great presentations

  • How to position what you say as more credible and believable, instead of sounding like a salesperson

  • Using stories to create irresistible visual images

  • “I bought “How To Sell More…” for my Inside Sales Rep with whom I partner for sales. He went from Customer Service Rep to Sales Machine in no time!” Tim Nelson, Regional Account Manager, McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge

    Getting Commitment and Closing

  • Over 50 word-for-word examples of conversational closing and commitment questions you can use today to get agreement, appointments, and sales

  • How to get larger sales just as easily as you would get smaller ones

  • The Professional Way to Deal with Resistance and Objections

  • A painless way to address objections and resistance

  • How to blow away price objections

  • Turning “I want to think about it,” into, “I WANT it.”

  • How to ensure you don’t hear, “We don’t need it.”

  • Why what you’ve probably heard before about objections is bogus, and what you should do instead.

  • Successfully Following Up By Phone

  • How to end a call to ensure success on the follow-up.

  • How to avoid starting follow-up’s with the useless and idiotic statement and question, “I sent you out the material. Didja get it? Any questions?”

  • What you should and shouldn’t send after calls

  • How to set solid phone appointments so they’re ready and waiting for your next call

  • “I have used the books as a reference guide for our internal sales training for the past month. We have had rave reviews from all our reps! We have also seen higher scores on our call monitoring, as well as an increase in sales and sales leads generated!!! All this happened in one month!!! Our company has spent thousands of dollars on sales training using third party sales training companies, and have had marginal results at best. Using your book and rolling out your tips one chapter at a time, gives us an ongoing sales program for a little over $50! Thank you for putting together two of the best inside sales training books I have read in the 10 years I have been in the business.”

    Greg Fanning, Harte-Hanks Direct Marketing

    Self Motivation, Beating Call Reluctance, and Rejection

  • Characteristics—that you can emulate–of wealthy salespeople

  • Avoiding negative assumptions that are sure to invite failure

  • How to avoid choking under pressure

  • How to never be rejected again!

  • Case Studies of Actual Calls

  • See actual transcripts from calls submitted by fellow sales reps in the field, or calls received by Art. You’ll see what didn’t work and why, so you can avoid the same mistakes, and suggested alternatives to get success and agreement.

  • What to say when they “buy it locally”

  • Failed prospecting calls, and why they went down in flames—needlessly

  • Why ending a call with “Keep us in mind” is asinine, and what to say instead

  • How to position value instead of selling on price

  • How to build relationships with regular customers to keep their loyalty

  • Prospecting for New Business

  • How to get referrals who are eager to speak with you

  • Getting them talking when they say they’re not interested

  • How to win the business from their present supplier

  • “Applying what I learned through your tips, I’ve earned enough to buy a new boat.”

    Rich Kline, ITAT Info Technology

    Brief Teletips

    Over 130 brief, to-the-point tips you can use right now. Any ONE of these could pay for the books on your very next phone call, or help you avoid a mistake that could cost you more than the price of the books! Some examples:

  • How to respond to the “Send literature” request Getting them talking when they say they’re not interested

  • Eliminating telephone tag

  • What to say to the prospect who perpetually strings you along

  • Showing them how a lower price might actually be more expensive

  • Why they don’t care about your products or services, and what they do care about which decides whether or not they’ll buy

  • Even More Stuff to Help You Sell More

  • Why believing that using the phone is “Just a numbers game” will demoralize you and ensure call reluctance

  • The right way to use conference calls to sell to multiple decision makers

  • How to handle prospects who “Need information sent right now!”, and determining if they’re for real, or just yanking your chain Showing them how a lower price might actually be more expensive

  • How to keep customers after that first sale

  • Why they don’t care about your products or services, and what they do care about which decides whether or not they’ll buy

  • And this is just a sample of the hundreds of word-for-word examples you will get in the over 800 pages of valuable messaging in these two books!

    “I purchased these books and my sales went from $40,000 to over $100,000 in six months by using Art’s ideas.”

    Susie Slifer, Cross Sales Rep, Hagerstown, MD

    “I read every sales and marketing book I can get my hands on. Your books are the best I’ve ever read on telephone sales. Every page is filled with ideas that WORK!”

    Danita Evans, Micro-Tech

    Still not convinced?

    Let me take all risk away right now:

    I’m so confident that you’ll profit many times over from my books, that I’m willing to put my own money up to prove it. If you don’t show success from using the ideas in these books, call, write, fax, or e-mail me. I’ll refund everything you paid.

    AND, You keep the books. You read correctly. I won’t make you pay to send them back. All I ask is that you give them to someone else who would and could benefit from them.

    But Wait, There's MORE as Part of Your Special Offer

    The Book that Gives You Each Step of My Seven-Step Successful Sales Process

    "How to Place the Successful Sales and Prospecting Call"

    In this book I take you step-by-step through the Seven-Step sales call process. This is the same process I teach in my $895 Smart Calling College training. And the same process companies pay $10,000 per day to have me customize and deliver in a training session for them.

    Plus you'll get examples of the what-to-say messaging to use in all parts of the call to get the "yes" answers you want. And you'll see how to place those calls without fear of the "rejection" that so many callers get paralyzed by.

    We've sold over 10,000 copies of the hardcopy and electronic version of this book at $29. And you get it FREE as part of this one-time limited promotion

    You are getting...

    1. "How to Sell More in Less Time"- Vol 1

    2. "How to Sell More in Less Time"- Vol 2

    3. "How to Place the Successful Call"






    Special Promo Price $59

    (plus $7 US shipping)

    Volume Discounts! Get a Set for Everyone on Your Team

    Contact us for a quote for quantities of five sets or more. [email protected], or call 480-699-0958.

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